Goal: Create a 60 second trailer highlighting the inspiration and intentions of American Patriots the show.

Approach: We worked closely with the shows creator, Samantha Rose Williams, to plan and execute this trailer. To ensure an effective and memorable trailer, we developed a script that gets at the core values and concepts of the show without diving too deep; just enough to capture the audience's attention and leave them wanting to learn more.

Utilizing brief interviews and footage from a live performance were key in developing a genuine relationship between the audience and the show's creative team. It was important that we connected names to faces rather than solely relying on voice-over.


DP | Director | Editor | Producer: Jaren Kerr

Singers: Samantha Rose Williams, Annie Sherman, Robert Wesley Mason, Evan Korbut (not pictured)

Musical Director: Yaniv Segal

Composers: Regina Harris Baiocchi, Gala Flagello, Danielle Jagelski, Marc LeMay, Yaniv Segal

Special Thanks: American Patriots The Show, Renegade Opera, and Historic Alberta House