Goal: Produce, shoot, and edit a 3-5 minute short film within 30 days utilizing only the tools immediately available.
Approach: Creating this film was an extremely collaborative process. We worked alongside Leiana Petlewski every step of the way from ideation through post production. Utilizing their background in live performance, we followed a devised theatre process rather than writing a traditional script. Defining key visuals and specific moments in the film was our first step, then we filled in the gaps and shifting things around until we landed on a fluid narrative arch.
From the process of developing the film to the way it was edited, we were trying new things along the way. We embraced a rather choppy editing style to instill discomfort and enforce a certain level of time-blindness in our audience.
The end product is a rather poignant and eerie film that explores the relationship we have with memories and the passage of time.
DP | Editor | Co-Director | Co-Producer: Jaren Kerr
Co-Director | Co-Producer | Talent: Leiana Petlewski
Special Thanks: Elijah Anthony F, Hayes Tufts, Javier Rodriguez, Kamryn Fall, and Meaghan Sutton